Intelligent Generation: A Game-Changer for Grid Stability and Cost Reduction

As the summer of 2024 draws to a close, we’re reflecting on a season marked by record-breaking temperatures and unprecedented strain on the electricity grid. These extreme conditions have highlighted the critical need for innovative solutions to ensure grid stability and reduce energy costs.

Intelligent Generation is proud to have played a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. Our patented IG POWR:Suite software leverages advanced analytics to accurately predict coincidental peaks on the electricity grid. By anticipating these peak periods, we can strategically dispatch batteries installed at our customers’ microgrid sites to provide essential capacity and transmission relief.

Key Benefits of Intelligent Generation’s Approach:

  • Reduced Need for Additional Infrastructure: By optimizing battery dispatch, we help alleviate strain on the grid, reducing the necessity for costly investments in new transmission lines and power plants.
  • Lower Energy Costs for Customers: By strategically discharging batteries during peak demand periods, we enable our customers to reduce their overall energy consumption and associated costs.
  • Enhanced Grid Stability: Our technology contributes to a more resilient and reliable grid by providing a flexible and responsive source of energy during critical times.

A Summer of Success

This summer, the PJM Interconnection experienced some of its highest electricity loads in five years. Intelligent Generation’s solution proved invaluable in mitigating these challenges. By accurately forecasting grid peaks and dispatching batteries at the optimal times, we provided significant capacity and transmission relief, helping to prevent grid failures and maintain system stability.

In addition, because of these strategic battery discharges, IG’s customers will enjoy significant savings on their electricity supply bills next year.  IG’s POWR:Suite system dispatched its customer’s batteries to discharge during the peak hours of power grid load which are also the periods that utilities use to set capacity and transmission charge values for the next year.  Thus, the discharge of the  batteries during peak events lowers the capacity and transmission charges IG’s customers will have to pay in 2025.  With capacity and transmission prices set to increase substantially next year, IG’s customers will see savings of over $100,000 per year per Megawatt of installed battery capacity.  It’s a win-win.

Leading the Way in Battery Dispatch

As the transition to renewable energy accelerates, battery storage will play an increasingly vital role in balancing supply and demand on the grid. Intelligent Generation is at the forefront of this trend, pioneering innovative solutions for battery dispatch and grid optimization.

By leveraging our expertise in data analytics and grid management, we are committed to delivering sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions that benefit both our customers and the broader community.

Discover how Intelligent Generation’s solutions can deliver significant capacity and transmission cost reductions. Contact us at [email protected] for a free consultation.

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